Sorry the screen is so bright. I did that on purpose because I was replying to a private email. Notice the pretty stickers my grand-daughter put on? Yes, it's a thing. You have to pretty up stuff with stickers.
My eldest grand-daughter playing Nick Jr games on my pretty laptop. She still doesn't like using the mouse, and prefers just touching the screen.
There are so many reasons to like touchscreens. Batteries in mouse died? No problem! Touch the screen until you change the batteries. This is particularly useful if you're in a game in the middle of a battle or something or doing something that is timed. In an awkward spot with the laptop and nowhere to use the mouse? No problem! Fingers on screen or touch pad (I don't really like the touch pad myself, I can't use it right). Dropped the mouse and too lazy to pick it up? No problem! Finger on screen... You get the picture.
Trying to do something on a desktop for someone (I'm the family techie so everyone comes to me to fix things or do things on computers for them) and start cursing because nothing happens when I try to poke at the monitor screen! "What the hell are you doing? You're going to put a damn hole in that!" Crap!
Any screen becomes fair game for touching. I've tried pausing a movie in my blu-ray player not by the remote, but by walking up to the TV and touching the screen. "Was there a bug?" my sister asks. "I didn't see one." Crap! Of course I'm not going to admit to anything she could laugh at. "I got it. It was annoying me." Use remote to pause movie. "Be right back, gotta go bathroom."
I touch the screen on my smart phone, my laptop, my tablet. I go to the store and many of the debit machines ask you to touch the screen. Bank machines do as well. My HP printer has touchscreen. Is it any wonder my brain thinks all screens are touch? Sheesh! I'm just waiting for the day I got to Best Buy or something and stop to admire the TVs and just reach out a finger and start jabbing at the screen. "Ma'am? You break it you buy it." Crap! Then again, they may soon have touchscreen TVs. You never know.
My lovely printer. I have grand-daughters so they like to put stickers on things to pretty them up. I don't mind. Whoa, I need to dust!
I know there are others out there who are like me. There have to be. I can't be the only one. Can I?