Tuesday, 26 April 2016

The Joys of Moving

At first you get really excited. A new place! We can decorate it the way we want, we can place things the way we want, we can get a new this or that or we can plan this or....

And then reality hits.

We need boxes for packing. Oh crap, now we have to pack. Sigh. What do we not need? We'll pack it right away. We'll just leave the basics we really need out. Crap, now we need more boxes. We have too much stuff, we need to purge! Oh, I know, let's have a yard sale once! Since we're so busy now we'll do it when we've moved so the stuff we want to sell we'll pack together and mark the box that it's for selling. Okay... Now... we need more boxes. Okay... now.... what? We need that thing we packed? We never used it for two years and now we pack it we need it?! Seriously?! Crap, what box is it in? We now have no more room for packed boxes. No, no, we can't block the cube freezer with boxes, what if we need something out of it? Days later: why don't we have this or that for dinner tonight? Soon we'll be eating just sandwiches since we'll have to pack everything. But that entails wading through boxes and climbing over others like a mountain climber and... Oh no! I forgot we need to thaw out the freezer before moving it, and...

Don't you jut love the 70s kitchen? Yeah, that wasn't our choice. The landlord wouldn't renovate or reimburse if we did it. We're moving from a small two bedroom apartment to a house. 

A HOUSE!!!!!! With a yard. A real yard! So now we have plans of a small garden, finding patio furniture and a BBQ and planting flowers... Do you have any idea the cost of patio furniture nowadays?! It's disgusting! I could get a new living room set for that! Or new fridge and stove!

Anyway, we're two days away from being in a new place. All the calls to transfer cable, internet, phone, etc... have been made. I'll be glad when we're there and our biggest problems will be finding which box has certain specific things. I marked them as clearly as I can, but I don't want to make a list on the boxes. And is it just me, or do you get nervous marking some things clearly on a box in case someone moving your stuff decides they'd like to keep it. "Oh, it somehow got lost in the move." No. You're not getting my stuff I scrimped and saved for. 

So at this moment I'm on the phone with the cable/internet company. We had everything set for the 1st, but that's a Sunday and they don't do work on Sundays so I called them. Well, looks like we have no available time for a tech to go set you up.... let me go look see what we can do. We could be without internet for a week or more. That kind of makes me cringe. I can amuse myself doing other things, but I can't even play on the PS3 because I need the internet to save my games (Playstation Plus member here). Well, the 3rd is the earliest they can come hook us up. Sigh. Oh well. 

Well, back to work. More packing to do. I can't wait for all this moving stress to be done with.

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